quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2007


Sabe quando ta tudo bem e de repente tu começa a procurar problemas?

Pois é.

Daqui a pouco eles chegam...mas eu me recuso a abrir a porta.

5 comentários:

Sinner Sinners disse...

Becareful where and what you post, you'll make me feel more important than I am to you. It's kind dangerous... Where should I find your next answer? Under my pillow?

Sinner Sinners disse...
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Sinner Sinners disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Sinner Sinners disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Sinner Sinners disse...

Mss Lioncourt, am I right
That's your real address
This time, it's you
Ready to confess
Free the masculine world
Cancel their humility

Mss Lioncourt, can it be
Can you be a light
One dressed to kill
Walk on, how you bite
This will state and explain
Why men are sometimes stumbling

Mss Lioncourt, are you there
Laughing at me is not fair
Mss Lioncourt can you see
All that shit you've done to me

Mss Lioncourt, may I say
This wipe out of my kind
I was so deceived
You'd better left me blind

Mss Lioncourt, I am cool
I take it with a smile
But don't be cruel
That's heavy to defy
When for some hundred years
God has always had a beard

Mss Lioncourt, are you there...